My bachelor thesis was awarded by dean as excellent.
Remote control scouting vehicle with camera connected to headtracker and GPS created by me and two other teammates.
Same project as on Trenčín Robotics Day.
IPMA Czech republic
Flotila s.r.o
Devolveo and Trinerdis
Next2Do allows you to have all Trello cards assigned to you with due dates at one place. No more opening multiple boards.
Framework provides an easy way to implement data synchronization between multiple devices and users using Realm database with custom server database and with the ability to define how to handle object updates in GUI. MeerkatSync can be quickly and easily integrated and thus effectively speed up the application development process.
Swift Squirrel is simple open source web framework written in swift 4 aimed to help swift developers to create their custom APIs or web applications for Linux and Mac Os platform.
Weather forecast app. Uses openweathermap API for getting data. You can change town or just get weather forecast for your current location.
Simple game with three difficulties.
Two factor authentication app.
Authentication software.
Rating system used to improve team work.
Adaptive control based on DEVS model with SUMO simulator support.
Calculosa is multiplatform calculator for demanding users. Project is using NodeJS, HTML, CSS which give you purrfect impression with simple design and powerful functions.
Allows up to four games at the same time and has terminal user interface too.
Web app with two simple games.
Trains model to solve snake game with reduced observations of map and position of food.
Analysis and simulations of real hydroelectric power plant to improve its efficiency.
Remote control car with headtracker, GPS and web GUI. Robot is usable in new terrain scouting.